Michael A. Grubb, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Program
Trinity College
Hartford, CT

Google Scholar Profile

Very broadly, my research addresses how we perceive the physical world in which we are embedded.  Every waking moment our senses are bombarded with information, far too much for the brain to process and render for conscious awareness.  We overcome this challenge by selectively attending to the world, that is, by prioritizing the processing of some kinds of sensory information, at the expense of others, in ways that facilitate goal-directed behavior. Visual attention can be allocated voluntarily, through eye movements (overt attention) or cognitive effort (covert endogenous attention),  or its allocation can be elicited reflexively in response to stimuli in the physical world (exogenous attention).  My lab uses eye-tracking and psychophysical methods to quantify the impact of selective attention on perceptual processes, to characterize the ways in which different kinds of attention jointly modulate perception, and to investigate additional factors that play a role in shaping our subjective experiences of the world.

Current Lab Members

Jack Albanese, 2021
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Interdisciplinary Science Program

Devin Butler, 2019
Undergraduate Research Assistant

Gabriela N. Christensen, 2021
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Interdisciplinary Science Program

Patty Gaitan, 2019
Undergraduate Research Assistant

Erin Gannon, 2019
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Psychology and Film Studies


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